Wednesday 17 April 2013

O God, It's True

During the first and unforgettable Alpha retreat weekend, I had the experience of making my first ever confession. It came as a complete surprise, as I was lead in prayer by Peter, one of the course leaders. I had grown up Anglican and the act of personal confession was not something I was familiar with. And, to be perfectly honest, I didn't know I had anything in particular to repent of. Surprise! On God's agenda that day was, bringing into His light, my dabbling in the occult - visits to clairvoyants, tarot card readings, horoscope readings, and the like. I had been seeking - trying to find myself - in darkness, rather than in the light of God. It was time to turn from those practices. I must say, since that first confession, I've experienced a complete revulsion to any of those things. I can see now that they are deceptive at best.

After the prayer, I went for a walk through the woods by the retreat centre. I discovered a spot where a beam of sun was making its way through the trees. I sat in that spot of light and thought about what had just taken place, feeling bewildered. I found myself in a state of remorse saying, "O God. I'm so sorry. I didn't know. I didn't know."

As we celebrated communion later in the day, my mind was flooded with other sins in my life. I pictured myself going before the group and presenting the list. Coming clean. Fortunately, my friend Anne sitting next to me, sensing my struggle, suggested I bring those things privately to God for the moment. Somewhat relieved, I was able to go forward to accept the Lord's Supper - his body and blood, given for me! O God, It's True.

Here's a gentle lullaby to bring today's post to a close. God's promise, found at the end of the popular Psalm 91, known for its ability - the power of the spoken Word - to shield us from evil. I love the part about the "angels set round about us to keep us in all our ways." I depend on God's heavenly host, daily. Those Who Love Me, "I will deliver".

God's will be done.


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