Tuesday 23 April 2013

Redeemer and Sovereign

In the prayer group at Lighthouse Community Church, we would sometimes sit in silence and listen to hear what God might be saying. In one of those times of quiet, I heard the message that would become the song Sevenfold. Of course, to claim it's God speaking is a step of faith, but I simply wrote the thoughts as they came. Afterward, when we all shared the impressions, thoughts or experiences we had during the period of silence (God speaks in many ways), I read what I had written. Ready to accept that it was nothing, I looked up from reading to discover Pastor Jocelyn with tears in her eyes. It had been a message that she had received in an earlier time and setting. This was confirmation of God's personal message for her. I think it's a message for all of us.

"I return to you sevenfold. I return to you sevenfold. For all your loss, for all your pain, I will redeem you sevenfold..." - journal, May 31/11

I never tire of reading the Psalms. King David's expressions are from the heart and cover all facets of emotion. I especially like the expression of wonder and majesty in Psalm 8. "O Lord, our Sovereign, How Majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens." I always hear this song with a full choir of children joining in on the refrain...  "When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars..."

It's a child-like wonder. I would love to have that again.



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