Tuesday 2 April 2013


Welcome to the micro-publishing house of original songs by Elizabeth Skinner - that's me!

I launch this site with the hope that the words and music will touch hearts and ultimately find a larger audience through other performing and recording artists. So if you like what you hear and want to adopt a song, let me know! Lyrics and lead sheets are available.

I thought I'd begin with a song from early in my christian walk. It was 2004, and I was fresh out of the Alpha Course and fresh out of a job with MUSICNL. I spent a few weeks at my old apartment, while its new occupant, my then ex-boss and blues guy, Denis Parker, was on holiday. I picked up his guitar and started to learn to play again, after almost 10 years away from songwriting. I Will Walk With You came along.

A second song soon followed which I enthusiastically shared with a newly formed home group of fellow Alpha goers, only to have it pointed out (in a very public way) that it had an almost identical chorus to a song that I can only guess I had heard during Alpha. Disheartened by the humiliation of presenting unoriginal material, the playing and writing ended. It would be six years later, November 11, 2010, when I would revisit the song and have a new chorus present itself. Thank God for Precious Gifts not giving up on me.

So here I am, after over two years devoted to songwriting, beginning a journey with you through songs, recorded on a borrowed phone, in a borrowed room, in borrowed time. It doesn't begin any more humble than this!

Let's see where it leads...


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