Monday 15 April 2013

The Spirit Knows

The Holy Spirit is the most interesting person you could ever come to meet. I'm quite sure He's eager to introduce Himself, even to those who don't know to invite Him in, like myself. He came unexpectically one night, while I slept, and presented Himself. I had heard the expression 'Baptism of the Holy Spirit' once in passing and hadn't given it another thought... until I found myself experiencing it that night. Some have described the feeling as being filled with pure love. I would add, perfect peace and weightlessness. In a journal entry, early that morning, I called it "the gift, the joy, the bliss, the infinite, that is God." A good description.

And there began my longing for all things of the Spirit, and the loss of desire for all things of the world. September 14th, 2001, two days before my birthday. A nice gift... with no return policy. The Spirit Knows.

For a month I enjoyed the "honeymoon" stage of our new relationship and then the unthinkable happened - depression. I found myself on a path of darkness that was to last several years. Coming to the end of it required asking for help again and again. Very humbling. I did not like the loss of independence. The good news is, I grew in my dependence on God and into a greater security. Happy to say, I now look back on that dark tunnel and remain Safe In The Arms Of The Almighty. "There is no other I desire."

I send this song out to my dear friend, Donna, who has been my number one fan and the best audience of one that a budding songwriter could ever hope to have. She was and is a fan of this song and sang it herself at the Ministry to Missionaries on the beautiful west coast of Newfoundland, while volunteering there. Thanks D!



  1. Hello
    Have read and listened to all your posts - the music inspires me to sit with our Lord and "soak" in His presence. I have been especially touched with each daily blog. Love the background and history of the origin of each piece.
    Love the "gift" within you!

    1. I had a feeling you were out there listening. Glad the Spirit is at work in the words and the music! E.

  2. Your gift for putting words together on paper combined with hearing your voice in song is a beautiful thing. Keep on!

    1. Thanks Elaine. My first day with comments!! The Spirit knows... how to get attention! E.
